Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Wednesday Hodgepodge Vol. 152

1. Are you settling for something?

I am, but I don't know how to unsettle for it. 

2.  It wasn't that long ago almost every store in the US locked doors and turned out lights on Thanksgiving Day. This year many will be open all day Thursday, giving shoppers a jump start on 'Black Friday'. In your opinion is this a good thing or a not so good thing? Will you be shopping on Thanksgiving Day?

I think it's ridiculous that stores are open on Thursday!!!! It's a holiday and everyone should be able to be at home with their families for one day.  They can shop Friday...even if it is at 12:01 AM! I wish we could go back to a simpler time and people would stay home and be with their families, not out shopping.

3. Speaking of shopping... I saw a recent article on the twelve best shopping cities in the world. In order they are-

New York, Tokyo, London, Kuala Lumpur, Paris, Hong Kong, Buenos Aires, Vienna, Dubai, Madrid, Milan, and Seoul.

Ever shopped in any of the cities listed? In which city would you most like to pull out the plastic or cold hard cash?

I've never been to any of those cities, let alone shop in any of them.  I would guess if I had a choice I would choose New York, so I could also catch a Yankee game.

4.  When did you last dine by candlelight?

It's been a long time, but I enjoy eating by candlelight typically in the winter when my Christmas tree is lit up and there is a fire roaring in the fireplace.  Candle light, just seems perfect to go along with it.

5. What do you have too much of?

I have too much body fat, I wish I could melt it away.

6. The Hunger Games...are you a fan?  Did you read the book(s)?  Will you/have you seen the movie?  Will you/have you seen Catching Fire?  No spoilers please!

Totally a Fan! Love it.  Read the books.  I saw one movie and can't wait to see Catching Fire.  Hopefully I will go soon.

7. Share your plans for Thanksgiving Day. The who, the where, the what...especially the what! As in what's for dinner?  If you're one of my International visitors, whose homeland doesn't celebrate American Thanksgiving (the whole world doesn't ya know!), then still tell us your plans for Thursday.

This Thanksgiving I will get to spend time with my mom and dad and my uncle and aunt's family.  Our two families traded off having holidays at each others house throughout the whole time us kids were growing up.  Now that we've gotten older and us kids have added others to the equations, we are not always together, but this one we are and I can't wait.  We eat and play games and watch football and then eat again. I can't wait. I think I will be wearing sweatpants to make sure I will be comfortable the whole time.

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

Shhhhhh, don't tell anyone....but I put away my fall stuff and started pulling out my winter stuff (aka Christmas) before Thanksgiving.  It was only about 12 hours before, but it was before.  I feel kind of guilty, but really all I was doing was putting away fall and bringing out Snowmen.  

1 comment:

J.Day said...

I'm a big Hunger Games fan, too. Can't wait to see Catching Fire!