Thursday, November 07, 2013

My Bath Tub and I Broke Up

We are totally not friends any more! Plus I have sent the towel rack to the curb.
Sunday after my big race, I got up to shower before I left for breakfast with my friend and her kiddos.  After I was done using a bath bomb, washing my hair and body, I turned off the water and leaned out of the tub to grab the towel.  There were some wash cloths in the way, so I moved them with my right hand and was grabbing the towel with my left hand when the towel rack broke and fell to the floor making me fall to the floor as well, with all my weight falling on my right thigh.
I screamed a bit and cried a bit, but then got up, toweled off, and headed to breakfast.  My leg hurt a bit and I figured I should call my "emergency contact" to alert them that I may need to go to the hospital to get my leg checked out.  No one answered! Some emergency contacts!
As I was driving to breakfast, I finally got a hold of my mom, told her what happened and she suggested I go to the hospital. I told her I was going to breakfast first and then I would call her when I figured out if my leg still hurt.  After breakfast, I got a hold of my other emergency contact and was told to ice my leg, so I went home and iced my leg.

My mom and dad stopped by and I got told I needed to call the 24 hour nurse to make sure my leg was okay and I wasn't going to get blood clots.
The nurse told me, I shouldn't have any problems, just ice.  So I iced all day and iced on Monday and did a little stretching on Tuesday.  Wednesday morning, my leg felt great, so I lifted weights (legs, back, and arms) and did the treadmill for 15 min.  It might have been too much, because when I was done, my leg was pulsating. Oh man! What was I thinking?!?!?!?
After 2 days, this is what my leg looks like now.

1 comment:

Kelli said...

Oh, Kili, that's awful! I fell down the hardwood stairs a 2 years ago and the dr figured I chipped a vertebrae. I laid around for weeks. I had good drugs that made me itch. I stopped taking them after 2 days because of the itching.
I hope you are okay!