Saturday, July 27, 2013

Hapa Haole Hula Competition

This past Friday and Saturday I got the amazing opportunity to hang out with my hula family again at the Hapa Haole Hula competition.  It is a big 3 day festival that happens in Vancouver, Wa.  The hula part is Friday and if you win, you get to dance on Saturday in an exhibition.  So Cassie and I loaded up her niece and nephew (5 and 3) and headed down stopping at Izzy's for lunch buffet (They have really good salad and pizza bar with some other things thrown in for $7.99) and then at Dutch Bros for coffee.
Then down to Vancouver. The plan was to check into the hotel first, but we got there just before the competition started, so we went directly to the stage and found a seat luckily in the shade. Lelani performed in the Ms. Sophisticated Hula competition

and the wahine were in the Wahine competition.

 Leilani won second place and the Wahine won 1st.

The following day I helped with flowers and then wahine put on their lips

and off they went to dance again. After dancing we all went to eat at Joe's Crab Shake, which had totally yummy Balls of Fire.

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