Monday, January 04, 2010

New Years Resolution

Last year my New Years Resolution was to do 1 thing new each month. I did a really good job at the start of the year and then I kind of lost focus, but I was able to pull it together.


Danced at a new nightclub called Trinity


Vacationed in Mexico


Photographed the birth of Rylie Maluhia


Judged a grilled cheese contest in Spokane.


Photographed my first destination wedding in Chicago


Created a Baseball Tour for Cassie and I and watched baseball at the Dodgers and Angels stadium


Watched baseball in San Diego and in San Francisco (Giants)


Voted to strike and then walked the picket line for a better education of my students.


Ran/Walked in my first 5k race as an adult in Bellingham with Becker


Went to Notre Dame and watched the football team play UW


Celebrated "A" day and went to Apple Cup

Attended Ia Oe E Ka La in Oakland, Ca and Emily’s wedding in San Francisco


Road the Link Light Rail into Seattle and went shopping for Christmas Presents

This coming year I have one, but I'm not going to share now!

1 comment:

Tanya said...

hmmm friend, that is a good idea. a goal for each month. i might have to toy with that in my mind for a little. wondering if you're going thrifting anytime soon. let me know!! love you!!