Friday, July 05, 2013

BTE- Spokane New Camera Feature

So, while I was at my hometown workshop, I found out that my camera had a feature I never knew about, well really it has more than one, but this one I've been trying out and love it...(well once I figured it out.) 
It's a timer, so that the camera will shoot for a certain amount of time and a certain amount of pictures.  For instance, it will shoot 1 picture every minute for 19 minutes.  I thought this was pretty amazing, so I got to work setting up places and times to do this.  It did take a good amount of time to figure it out, because I was a bit technologically challenged and couldn't figure out the whole how many picture part, but none the less I did figure it out. 
These first ones come from me not setting the timing up right and it would only take one and then be done.

So I changed the settings and moved the camera, thinking it would get both of us, but obviously not. I was to the right of this...

More adjusting...


 Finally...both of us!

Now if I was to use this feature again, I would make sure everyone was in the shot and that it was focused on the right things, but I really do love it.  Oh wait, I tried it again.  My nieceroo is totally into reading magazines, so I brought some over for use to look at.

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