Friday, May 06, 2011

A Mariner First

This past week, I got to see my first Mariner game from behind home plate. I've never sat right behind the plate and had a great time. We were there early, for reasons stated at the end of this blog, and got to see some batting practice for the Sox and the Mariners and watch the field get prepared. We sat in row 40, which is right under the covered area and next to the tvs. It was a bit windy, but super fun to be close and be able to get the photos from behind the plate. Plus they won in the 9th inning after being tied for a long time.

It was also Ichiro bobble head night, so we had to go early...thinking they would run out, but not so much. They still had dolls at 6:30ish. Oh well, now I have an Ichiro bobble head hit counter.

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