So from the very beginning of Big Brother, I picked him. He was the ONE. He was going to be the winner. I knew from just his picture. Then I read his bio. From the South. Played Football. Built like a Truck....I knew it. Lane was my guy.
I loved watching him. He cracked me up. Although when he became apart of the Brigade, I thought his game would be short lived (cause alliances never last) yet they were able to keep it under wraps and it helped him get to the final four and then even into the final two.
Yet my hopes were dashed, when he was unable to pull out the win and came in second place!
Oh well I guess! Better luck in picking next time...and really I shouldn't have to wait long. Amazing Race, Next Top Model, Survivor, Top Chef Desserts, and The Challenge: Cutthroat start soon.
Okay, I I watch the Top Chef Desserts, Survivor and Amazing Race...so we can play along together:)
sweet! I'm excited!
Soooo many good shows starting! I am so excited!
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