Saturday, January 09, 2010

Hates The Gym!!!

and it's not because it's kicking my butt!!! It's because it's January and every January the gym becomes packed out! Everyone makes New Years Resolutions (NYR) to get thinner and they all think that going to the gym is going to help them achieve their goal. I'm not saying that I don't believe that people shouldn't make goals like this. All the more power to you, but for all of us that go to the gym regularly throughout the year, we really hate January. We now have to wait in line for OUR machine that we used daily before the NYR people showed up. We, regulars, are subjected to too tight gym clothes on too big NYR people. We have to use a different locker because the NYR people don't understand that the lockers are really assigned even though our names aren't on them! The showers are different than the lockers, showers can't be reserved, but the NYR people think they can be reserved by hanging your stuff on the hooks. Oh they have so much to learn!!!
But the crappy thing is that they won't learn the rules of the gym because they won't stay around long enough. They tend to make it 3-4 weeks and then the gym is back to the regulars for a bit anyway, until people decide they need to get thinner to fit in their bikini's for summer.

1 comment:

audygarcia said...

I agree, it really sucks in the beginning of the year when ALL the exercise equipment are being used. Have patience though. It'll die down eventually.