Sunday, January 10, 2010


It's an inventions that I'm sure is making the inventor tons of money. It's a Redbox and from this Redbox, you rent movies for $1 plus tax for one night. There are some new releases, but most are slightly older. They are located all over the area. Some are inside grocery stores, while others are outside drugstores. One of the best parts about these boxes is that the movies can be returned to any Redbox. One of the worst parts is that the lines for them are ridiculous. They are so popular that many times I go, there is a line of 4 -5 people ahead of me. But I guess I can wait...considering I'm only paying a dollar.

So far I've rented: Ghosts of Girlfriends Past, Funny People, My Sisters Keeper, Dance Flick, Julie and Julia, Harold and Kumar, and Taking Chance and I only just realized these things existed since December 30th.

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