Friday, September 26, 2014

Oh Hey, Friday

Glad to see you here again! I waited for you all week and now I'm wondering a few things...

Sometimes I wonder if I'm a 10 year-old boy as the craziest things make me laugh! (just an FYI, I know I'm not, but seriously! Why do I laugh at these things?) For instance:

1. When someone does this:

 or when someone says balls, or when someone tries to do a crazy trick and falls, or when 2. someone scares someone else.

3.  I've also been wondering why pintrest homepage is full of school pins and not these hilarious pins instead

4.  And I've been wondering why must all the good tv shows be on so late and at the same time as other shows I watch.

5.  I wonder why every week day it's a struggle to get up at 5:45, yet on the weekends it's no problem!

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