Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Wednesday Hodgepodge Vol. 159

1. It was decided on Sunday the Denver Broncos will meet the Seattle Seahawks in this year's  Superbowl. So when was the last time you bowled? Not where you thought this question was going is it?  Do you like to bowl? Are you any good?

Ahh bowling. I love to bowl, but don't do it often enough. I was supposed to do it recently, but the lanes were full.  My one problem with bowling though is I need a lightweight ball, but my fingers are too fat to fit into the holes, so I really need to buy a lightweight ball and get holes drilled into it, so my fingers fit.  When I do bowl, I'm not half bad and by the way, I did take ADVANCED bowling in college. I was pretty good back then.

2.   Should sports stars be role models?

No matter if I think sports stars should or shouldn't be role models, they are going to be. Adults and kids look up to them.  I do feel that there are some sports stars that are better role models than others, so people should choose wisely.

3. January is National Oatmeal month...are you a fan? How do you like your oats?

Not really.  It's a texture thing.  If I do eat it, it must be full of brown sugar and on a piece of toast.

4. What is one book on your reading list for 2014?

Oh my! I love to read, but I don't have a list of books I want to read.  I typically go to Goodwill, St. Vincent de Paul, or any other thrift store and buy whatever looks good and is 1/2 off. Then I go home and read.  The crazy thing about buying all those books, is that if I don't read them in a certain amount of time, I'm not going to read them, so I only buy a small amount at a time, so I will make sure to read them all.

5. What would you like your future self to say to your present self?

When I first read this, I thought it was "What would your furniture say about you?"... so I guess I will have to change my answer.  Hee hee!  

Get over yourself and do what you want! Don't worry about what others are going to say about you and just go and do it!

6. When scrolling through the TV guide, what is one movie title that makes you want to stop, grab the popcorn, and watch for a while?

Any romantic comedy or sappy girl movie or cheesy movie.  Love them all!

7. What are two style trends you hope never come back into fashion?

Mullets and grunge

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

I'm loving all the sleep that I'm getting, yet it's still not enough. I really need more sleep, but I can't sleep at home because I wake up and there is always something to do, so I get out of bed.  I can't sleep at other people's houses because I feel like I need to get up and socialize with them.  Maybe I just need to rent a hotel room, so I can sleep.

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