Friday, March 08, 2013


I've been doing the same WOD's lately and I needed to change it up, so I did. But oh my goodness what a big jump I made.

I started with a short elliptical run and then headed into the dark studio and started counting off my lunges. 
Now looking at the picture above 20, 20, 10 isn't a lot, but if you are doing 5 rounds and having to do twice as many lunges.  It ends up being a lot.  In the end it was 50 push ups, 100 squats, and 200 lunges.  Holy cow!!! My legs started shaking at about round 3 and kept shaking through out my shower.  I was a mess.  Thank goodness that by the end of the day, it was just my knees that hurt. I'm kind of nervous to see what tomorrow will bring.

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