Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Wednesday Hodgepodge Vol. 114

I was on vacation this whole week and not connected at all, yet I wanted to go back and post this.  So yes, it's back dated and not linked, but I still answered the questions.

Here ya go-

1. When were you last 'on a mountaintop'?  You may answer in the literal or figurative sense.

I was on a "moutaintop" this past week when I was on vacation in Hawaii.  I needed the sand, sun, and land to remind me who I was and what I needed.

2.  Do you establish and maintain a strict budget in your household?  What is one piece of financial advice you would offer someone just starting out on their own?

I've never really lived on a budget.  If I want something, then I buy it.  But in buying things, I don't just jump on the bandwagon.  I think and think and think and investigate before I buy anything.  But after having to spend a good deal of my money on my car, I'm much more cautious on what I'm buying.

3.  Cherries-yay or nay?  Cherry pie, cherry cola, black forest cake, or a scoop of Ben and Jerry's Cherries Garcia...pick one.

Cherries, yes please! Fresh from the tree cherries please.

4.  Should you ever discuss religion or politics with people you don't know?

I believe you can, you just have to be open to listening to others opinions and realize they might not be the same as yours.

5.  When you take a road trip do you prefer to be the driver or the passenger?  Where were you headed on your last road trip?

I would love to be the passenger, so I can sleep, read and put my legs up on the dashboard and just relax.  My last road trip, well I had two recently, one was to see a friend at her parents house and the other one was a trip to Glacier National Park

 and Three Forks Mt to see my Grandma.

6. If we peeked inside your closet, what color would we say is most prevalent?

Green and Blue and Red

7. Who's your favorite senior citizen and why are they special?

My fav. senior citizen is my Grandma.  She is so adorable and has so much in her life. I wish I can be like her when I grow up.

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

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