With this being the second to last week of training , I thought I would flip the script a little bit. I did the two h2o like normal, but that was about it. My swimming was all straight crawl stroke rather than two crawl and one back. My biking was 2 trainings inside and 1 outside and I'm actually going to ride again tomorrow. I need to get used to the new bike, make sure I can get in and out of the strap and cage, and that my toe and knees don't hurt and especially my crotch. So I'm pretty sure I will be biking and swimming again tomorrow, when I normally take the day off. I even might ride Sunday.
I also just mapped my first ride it was 5 miles. Not bad, not bad!
After reading many blogs and talking to many people I've decided to get a tri-suit. I thought I would be going with a two piece, but when I realized that on sale the 2 pieces were still more than the 1 piece at regular price. I decided that the tri-suit was for me. Now mind you it isn't super cute, but it will work. I'm not entering a fashion show here, peeps! Now although I'm sure you would like to see me in it, you will have to go to the race to see that, here is a pic from online of what it looks like.

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