Thursday, July 14, 2011

Double Yeah and Single Boo!

The first YEAH goes out to T. Lange who lent me her bike. Although I can't ride it yet, I'm hoping it will be just fine in less than two weeks, cause then it's either make it or break it.

The second YEAH goes out to Goodwill. They had so many great book selections. I had to stop after three shelves and there were at least 6 more to go. I came home with these and although I thought I would start with the skinniest one, I couldn't get the Wally Lamb snipet out of my head, so I switched books! It's about a couple who worked at Columbine High when the shooting occurred...but that is as far as I've gotten.

And the BOOO goes to the Mariners for loosing and making many lame-o plays. My aunt, who was there for her birthday, WAS NOT impressed!


Anne C. said...

That is a nice bike!!!! How come you can't ride it yet???
I highly recommend getting out there and practicing shifting....that seems to be the most difficult thing for me. Have fun!

kilipohi said...

I was scared! I haven't ridden a bike in forever! I've only been in the gym. I give you major props for doing your training outside for the most part. I wish I would have done more outside....atleast I have a few days left before I do it for real. When is yours again?
It has straps and cages for pedals and I didn't want to fall. I figured it out today thank goodness.

Anne C. said...

Mine is August 14th. Yesterday I wanted to figure out how long things would I did about 30 lengths in the pool (apparently 6 lengths to short for a 1/2 mile.) Then I rode my bike home, and I tried to do some hill-ish type areas so that I could get some practice....I looked at the course online and we go up the I-90 on-ramp and then across to Mercer Island. It took me 20 minutes to swim and then about an hour to get home. I told my sister I could go faster swimming if I was in a group and had that push to go faster, same with riding. I also read that it's a good idea to do practice going from one thing to another. Next week I'm going to ride and then run. You are doing awesome! Keep it up and I can't wait to hear how it goes!