The second YEAH goes out to Goodwill. They had so many great book selections. I had to stop after three shelves and there were at least 6 more to go. I came home with these and although I thought I would start with the skinniest one, I couldn't get the Wally Lamb snipet out of my head, so I switched books! It's about a couple who worked at Columbine High when the shooting occurred...but that is as far as I've gotten.

And the BOOO goes to the Mariners for loosing and making many lame-o plays. My aunt, who was there for her birthday, WAS NOT impressed!
That is a nice bike!!!! How come you can't ride it yet???
I highly recommend getting out there and practicing shifting....that seems to be the most difficult thing for me. Have fun!
I was scared! I haven't ridden a bike in forever! I've only been in the gym. I give you major props for doing your training outside for the most part. I wish I would have done more outside....atleast I have a few days left before I do it for real. When is yours again?
It has straps and cages for pedals and I didn't want to fall. I figured it out today thank goodness.
Mine is August 14th. Yesterday I wanted to figure out how long things would take...so I did about 30 lengths in the pool (apparently 6 lengths to short for a 1/2 mile.) Then I rode my bike home, and I tried to do some hill-ish type areas so that I could get some practice....I looked at the course online and we go up the I-90 on-ramp and then across to Mercer Island. It took me 20 minutes to swim and then about an hour to get home. I told my sister I could go faster swimming if I was in a group and had that push to go faster, same with riding. I also read that it's a good idea to do bricks...so practice going from one thing to another. Next week I'm going to ride and then run. You are doing awesome! Keep it up and I can't wait to hear how it goes!
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