Monday, July 18, 2011

Prayer Monday

This morning while sitting in church and praying my morning prayers, I realized that all my prayers had been for myself:
Lord, grant me patience and the ability to be at peace with it.
Lord, help me get through this week as I prepare for my first triathlon and a trip to Yellowstone National Park.
Lord, please help me to stay injury free for the next 7 days.
Lord, help me to power through the triathlon and not be the last person to finish!
I thought how selfish of me to only be thinking of myself and I'm sure that there are many people besides myself that need prayers as well, so I started all over in my my head.
Lord, thank you for bringing me to this day and all the wonderful people and friends that you have blessed my life with. May I continue to walk in you footsteps and be guided by your hands as I continue to live my life here on earth. (still about me- but wait...) Please watch over all the people who will be traveling this summer, that they arrive at their destinations on time and in one piece. Continue to care for those who are ailing in health, mind, and spirit. Be with my family and friends who have had to face death of loved ones this summer. Nourish our lives with your word and help us to pass it along to those in our lives who do not receive it.


Sheena said...

Focusing on something other than self is always a perspective changer. I'm grateful for God's 'checks' in our spirits when we lose focus.

I have prayed for you. Hope you have a blessed week.

Katie said...

What a beautiful prayer! I prayed for you today.

Good luck with the triathlon (go you!) and so glad to have you as part of Prayer Mondays!

TheHouse said...

I stopped by and prayed for you, and I love that you were willing to share something God checked you on. I have difficulty remembering that prayer is not just for myself.

And a triathlon? That's amazing!