Friday, March 04, 2011

Triathlon Training

This crazy workout schedule continues and although I'm doing a good job of working out, I really need to give my body some time to rest and recoup. My doctor says I should be adding whey protein to my daily intake before and after my workout! Oh the joys!!! I bought some koshi go lean to add protein, so we'll see if that works.

Monday: 14 min. swim (8 laps)
29 min. bike (on a half- upright bike)
Tuesday: 14 min run
h20 aerobics
Wednesday: off
Thursday: 19 min. swim (12 laps)
29 min. bike (on the real bike)
h20 aerobics
Friday: 24 min. swim (18 laps)
48 min. bike
Saturday and Sunday: off

Today while I swam, I had to share a lane. It kind of sucked because I was always worried I was going to hit her, while I was swimming. But on the other hand, it was also good, cause on Thursday when I was swimming, I was actually wondering how fast I was going if I was slow or if I could hold my own. Well if I paced myself with this swimmer, I was slower than slow. She lapped me twice before I made it down and back. So I guess I know now!

Tomorrow I get to see my Triathlon Buddy! I'm so excited to see and talk to her about her progress of training!


Anne C. said...

Where did you get your plan for training and can I have it too? I'm still working on my running, but I'm starting to look ahead to what I need to do and adding those elements in.

kilipohi said...

You sure's linked in the first triathlon training update, under the word calendar.
So click on the label "triathlon" under the blog entry, then look for the first one.
I've found that it is a little rigorous with the added h20, but shouldn't be a problem if you just follow it.

sarahmarie0730 said...

Bring on the whey protein! The stuff I drink is super good. I can't remember the brand but it is chocolate coconut that I mix with water. Yum!