Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Happenings in My Classroom

I started two new games in my classroom. Games that are supposed to make my kids think. Games that I don't tell all the rules to. Games that are fun for me, but not fun for my kids until they figure them out.
One game was Around the World. I tell the kids that I'm taking a trip and am going to bring an apple, then they ask if they can come and bring something else. I made it through almost the whole game before 2 of my girls figured it out. I had to write all the words on the board in columns before they got it. So I brought:
an apple,
electric curling iron,
oranges... what do you want to bring? (comment here and I'll tell you if you can come!)

The other game is the game of SNAPS! I told 2 of my students how to play, so we can play and I'm hoping that more of the students will catch on. We've played it twice and so far I have more upset kids than kids that want to know how to play. They are mad they can't figure it out!


Touch Of Aloha said...

I brought a radio :)

kilipohi said...

You can come!!!