Monday, February 01, 2010


Yes! Me! I was picked! Picked to serve my civil duty down in Auburn.

Oh the joys!
I was not really looking forward to it with it being on a day after several days of me missing school already, as well as it being the day after my birthday, as well as it being in Auburn (in a town I don't live in anymore!)
But I packed a bag of stuff to do and I headed out to do my month long jury duty. (That's how it works in Auburn, you are called for a month, but really you only serve 2 days unless you are called in to be on a case.) In looking at the map for parking, it looked like the easiest way to get there would be on the train, so I took the Sounder from one stop to the next a whole 6 minute ride. It was great.

I can't wait to take it again!) It got me there in plenty of time to hit up Safeway and to watch an amazing sunrise

on my walk to the municipal court.
I got there and there were plenty of people there waiting to get in. We were all ushered into one of the courtrooms had to sign in and then were asked to wait. While I was waiting, I overheard another juror telling the court clerk that she was a teacher and that she wasn't going to be able to make the second date and then the clerk immediately said that they always dismiss teachers from serving their time, so I thought, oooohhh I might not have to come back. The clerk asked her if she could stay today and she said that would be fine. I proceeded to the same clerk told her I taught as well, she wrote my name down.
About an hour later the clerk came back into the room and said they needed to pick a jury, but were going to let some of us go. I happened to be one of them! Whoo Hooo! I served my time and I was done....then I just had to figure out how I was going to get home. My ride wasn't coming until 4. The train going the way I wanted to go didn't run again until 3ish and it was only 9:15.
I ended up calling my dad. Lucky for me, he didn't go to work until noon. He came and got me and I got a day to myself! Jury Duty Rules!

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