Thursday, December 31, 2009

Random Thoughts

My thoughts are all over the place today.
  • Should I be scared when I come home and my picture has fallen inside the frame?

  • (Obviously my brain when directly the heck did the neighbor get in here)
  • My $3 off coupon for Value Village is almost expired, so I should go and buy something. I had decided recently that my crock pot needed to be bigger and have a detachable base and that is exactly what they had at Value Village, for only $7 after my coupon.

  • What an ingenious way to us a platter holder,

    when you don't have anything on a platter for the snowman to hold.
  • Will the cards on the string here,

  • reach across the fireplace,

  • or will there be too many cards for the fireplace. (I used the same string I had once used for the fireplace years ago)
And even with all these thoughts, I ended up having a really nice day at home in my pajamas after a wonderful breakfast with an old teammate and friend.
  • I took all Christmas decorations down, except the tree and put my house back in order.
  • I paid my bills.
  • I put some more finishing touches on my NEW website that I hope to launch before break is over.
  • I spent a good hour at the gym...working out!
  • I watched Julia and Julie (Great flick) and am preparing to watch a few more.
  • I mailed a package to Alaska, that I hope gets there soon

1 comment:

sarahmarie0730 said...

i had so much fun at breakfast with you! it is always nice to catch up!