life would be GRAND.
Today we found out that we would be fined $200 a day if we didn't get back to work by Monday. This will create quite a hardship on many teachers, who don't make much to begin with. It will make people need to return to work being the only bread winner in their family or because they live pay check to pay check and can't efford the extra money out of their pocket.
I don't understand why the union and district can't figure out an agreement...I mean they've been working on this since April, is it really that hard, come on?!?!
-leia is singing happy birthday to her auntie tori, who works with my sister.
Kili - Hope you find peace in whatever decision you come to regarding the strike. You will be in my prayers. - Jamie
Hang in there and hang on--better things will happen. As usual, I'm glad I stopped to catch up on your blog today! I know that things will get better. My mom tells me to keep my chin up and smile (and "don't forget your prayers!"
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