Tuesday, August 25, 2009

August 31st

Is the first day we start school this year! I can't believe that it's soo soon! One more week of freedom and then back into the classroom and actually we are going back in this week to start with our meetings and preparing our classrooms to be ready for all those wonderful munch-kins to pass through our door-way.
But the sad thing is that we may not start that day. We may have to wait, because as of right now, we have no contract and with no contract there will be no school in our district!
I'm saddened that our district feels that being the 4th largest district means they should pay their teachers the least amount of money in all Puget Sound area districts. I'm saddened that we are not given enough time to plan and prepare our lessons, collaborate with other staff, and offer extra help to students because the district has us sitting in meeting after meeting after meeting. I'm even more sad that they think it's okay to have a $21million dollar reserve rather than hiring more teachers to help in lowering class-sizes.
For more information please check out the following site: http://www.kentschools.org/

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