Saturday, June 06, 2009

Archie Picks!!!

Back when I was a kid and spending time up at my Grandparent's ranch, I would often peruse the Archie comic books left behind by my uncles and aunties. I really enjoyed them and always seemed to root for Archie to pick Betty. But he seemed to be a typical boy and just couldn't decide between Betty or Veronica. Well, now he has. With the 600th issue coming out in August, Archie Comic Publications decided it was time that Archie grew up and got married.

And his choice?!?! Well it has been announced that Archie chose Veronica! I can't believe it, but that is his choice. Although we all know, that there is plenty of time for him to change his mind and it's not like changing minds doesn't happen all the time (Bachelor.) So I guess we will all just have to wait and see....

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