Monday, May 04, 2009

A Crazy Busy Weekend

This weekend was super busy! (but that’s how I like it right?!?!) So busy that I needed to make sure that I had to take the day off today. Hee! Hee! On Saturday, my halau, Keala ‘O Kamailelauliili’i and Manowaiopuna, put on our first Ho’olaulei’a at Saghali Middle School in Federal Way. It went really well. We sold 300 tickets, pre-sale, and sold a few more at the Door. The place was full of ono smelling food, wonderful crafts and jewelry, and beautiful hula dancers. We worked all day getting the place ready and at 3 o’clock the doors opened to the public. They streamed in and headed to all the booths. After serving dinner at 5, we went back and got ready for our show. We danced and danced and then the night was done. The day went by super fast and I was so glad to be crawling into bed at about midnight, because Sunday was another full day.
I was picked up at 4am to head to Spokane for Bloomsday, a 7.5 mile run/walk, held every year on the First Sunday of May. We have done it as a family the past two years and we couldn’t miss this one. My goal for this year was to break the 2 hour mark, but after the long day the day before, I thought I might not worry about the whole time thing. There was no rain, after the weather man saying that it was going to be garbage sack weather. We got off to a pretty good start, but had to make a bathroom stop, which took about a half hour after waiting in line. I took off after that with my Uncle Thinking I could still get a good time. Well I wasn’t fast enough. I got the same time as last year 2 hours and 35 min. Oh well! There is always next year! After the race we went to a family friends house for dinner and then came home and crashed. I fell asleep at 6ish, but then woke up for a few more hours. Somebody was sawing logs and I couldn’t go back to sleep or watch tv it was so loud.
Today I got to do some relaxing and playing with my niece. She is getting so big and of course is tons of fun.
With my computer still giving me fits about uploading pictures, I didn’t take any this weekend. Not even a family one of us after the race. Sorry. I’ll see about getting some from Bloomsday and we had an official photographer for the Ho’olaulei’a, so I’ll add some as I get them.

1 comment:

tiwalani said...

omg, 4AM!! crazy!! i'm glad you guys made it safe though & that you guys had a good time. :)