I’m finally growing up and doing things that grownups do. I’m sure you’re all thinking, what the heck, she is a grown woman, yet she still thinks she’s growing up…She must be crazy! Well there are some things that I don’t like to do and recently I’ve had to do them, hence I’m growing up.
Last week when I went out to bbq my propane tank was empty. I was super sad, because I really wanted bbq burgers. But with no propane and it almost 7, I decided to fry my burger instead. (I’d never done it that way before and was a little nervous about knowing when it was going to be done.) It turned out pretty decent. The following day, I took my propane tank off and wondered if the black thing was supposed to come with it. (It wasn’t.) I walked it out to my car and put it in the trunk. I went to start my car, but was worried about it blowing up, it didn’t. I drove to Kmart and took it in to exchange it. They no longer have propane and didn’t care to tell me until I had carried the tank around the whole store, almost. I then thought I would take it to the gas station, where my mom said they pump your gas, thinking they either might have some or would know where I could get it. They sent me up to GI Joes. As I was going up the hill, I saw some at Fred Meyer, so I went in their instead. I did the exchange and was on my way home to cook some chicken. When I got home I hooked up it up and the directions said I was supposed to run soapy water on it to make sure it was connected. I lived on the wild side and didn’t. I turned the element on and pressed the starter button. Nothing happened. I pressed the button a couple more times and it finally caught. I was so excited and so proud of myself.
One thing that I’ve always really disliked was returning things to stores. I always worry that they are going to give me the hardest time and not take back what I need to return. I understand that there are people that try to take advantage of the system, but I’m not one of them. (Okay, once I was, but really) I had a really bad experience with Office Max telling me they wouldn’t take back a camera that was about $600 because I had opened it. Now come on, who buys a camera and doesn’t open it before realizing that they need to take it back because it doesn’t fit their needs. Needless to say my dad called and asked for a manager. The manager okayed it. Then my uncle came down with me to make sure the transaction went smoothly. So since then I’ve had a small phobia.
Well when my VCR/DVD combo wouldn’t play 3/6 dvds, I knew I would have to return it. I searched all over for the receipt, but couldn’t find it. I decided to use my credit card statement, which I had heard works pretty much the same. I took it in to Best Buy, marched right up and the man took care of me. No hassle, no problem. Everything was hunky-dorey! I called my mom and told her that she was going to be super proud of me.
So see I’m growing up and doing things I’ve never done before as well as things I don’t like to do.
Hey - who told you about using your credit card receipt??? :-)
love ya!! D
i totally hear you on the returning stuff. i have the same phobia, but i'm not sure why..i think it's because i feel like i'm hurting their feelings. i don't know why i would hurt their feelings, it's not like it's their personal things...i'm weird like that!! hope saya was wonderful!! :)
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