Sunday, April 19, 2009

Spring Break...the real thing (with pictures)

I had a wonderful break spending time with friends topped off with a trip to Spokane to see my niece, sissy, and brother-in-law. I had a wonderful time there. Every night I was super tired and ready to go to bed, but I couldn't ever really figure out what I had done to make me so tired. I mean really, I was only chasing around 1 -2o month old, not 20 -6, 7, and 8 year olds like most days. Who knew it could make you so tired...

I got to spend a lot of quality time with my niece when my bil and sissy went to work. She played in the bath for awhile, but we also played hide and go seek, read some books, ate some lunch, and played in the curtains, which I'm sure is a no-no with mom and dad.

We also made a trip to Target. I let her walk around and kind of led her to where I needed to go. She ended up finding a magazine that she loved sooo much she ripped the front over and so I had to buy it. She also found some headbands...that's when she went in the cart, so I could finish my shopping. When we got home her mama showed up and shared a cookie with her. She also decided to sport the headband.

My parents came in later in the week and took me to one of their old "haunts" just a stop on their beer runs down town.

My mom's friend from elementary school met up with her there to celebrate her and my dad's brithday.

While in Spokane, I got the amazing opportunity, via facebook, to meet up with girls I went to elementary school with. Many of them I hadn't seen since I moved away in 5th grade, but one of the girls and I had stayed pen-pals since then. It was so much fun to see them all again. We are all planning a family function in the summer so we can meet each other's kids and everything. I don't have a picture, but one should be coming along soon, right girls?!?!!?
My niece loves to play with her daddy.

We finished the week with Easter...which is a post in it's self, so you'll have to wait. There is also a few other things that I'll be adding throughout the week so keep an eye out. I'm glad that I'm up and semi running again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The clothing that your dad and sister are wearing are offensive.