Friday, March 06, 2009

Boos and Yeahs for the Week

This week has been full of them and I've been wanting to post but haven't had time (boo!) Alright onto the list.
  • Went to the post office and there were four people working the front counter (Yeah!) usually there is 2.

  • There were only 4 people in front of me (Yeah!)

  • Two people behind me were making out (Boo!)

  • When I got to the teller, after waiting for 10 min (Boo!) I was told I couldn't send my package because it was in a beer box (Boo!)

  • I went to a hockey game (Yeah!) with Cassie (Yeah!) T-birds lost (Boo!) Spokane won (Yeah!)

  • While parking my car at the game, preferential treatment and a closer parking spot was given to hybrid cars (Booooo!)

  • Went to another hockey game this week (Yeah!) with my parents (Yeah!) T-birds won (Yeah!)

  • T-birds scored 5 goals, so everyone in the crowd got 1/4 pound burgers from DQ (Yeah!)

  • Today I'm off from school (Yeah!) to do grades (Boo!) Normally they would be done, but not this year (Boo!)

  • My extra couch is still here (Boo!) supposedly she's coming to get it this weekend. I'll believe it when I see it.

  • I went shopping at thrift stores to buy cowboy boots for a special project (Yeah!) but I went to Seattle and Bellevue and they didn't have any (Boo!)

  • My mom and I went to Sumner and Puyallup and found plenty (Yeah!) of boots.

  • Talked to my Grandma today, we reminisced about them living up on the Ranch and how much fun us kids had up there. (Yeah!)
  • I'm eating fishsticks and homemade garlic fries for dinner (Yeah!) Gotta love Lent!
  • March Madness is happening soon (Yeah!)

Photos from the game vs. Spokane

This young man is staying with one of my friends and her family. They provide a place for him to sleep, feed him, and let him hang out at their house and in return they get season tickets...pretty cool huh?!?! They also get to meet a pretty amazing young man and all the other young men on the team.


Anonymous said...

hey girlfriend -- can you burn a CD of these pics for me -- they are awesome!!!! :-) D

kilipohi said...

sure no problem...give me about a week to get it together.