Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Update on Babies

Welcome to all the babies that are coming into the world! It's such an exciting time for all my friends as some of them become mommy's and daddy's for the first time, while others just keep adding to their brew! I also keep thinking that the list of my pregnant friends will get smaller, but just as one friend has a baby, then another announces they are pregnant.

  • Liz, a friend from girls group, and Joe welcomed a baby girl names Ava Margaret on the 8th of February.
  • Jaime, a friend from elementary school, and Chris had a baby girl named Jillian Mckenna Rivera on February 20th. She weighed 6lbs and 14 Oz. and was 19 inches long.
  • Casey, a friend from college, and Lisa welcomed baby Oliver into the world today, March 4th.

Also adding to the list of wonderful friends who are pregnant:

  • Jeanine, my roommate from JVC, and Todd due in September. They are not finding out what their little one is.

If you would like to check out the other people who have given birth already this year, please check here.

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