Friday, February 06, 2009

Still Kicking

After all these years, they are still kicking and so much fun!
I'm so blessed to want to and love to include my parents in functions with my friends. They are so much fun and sometimes bring life to the party (not saying that my parties don't have life to them, I'm just saying.) My life would be so different without them, that I couldn't even imagine it. What a lucky girl I am.

My sister and I are very blessed with the parents that we have and I'm sure she'd agree with me that we wouldn't trade them for anything in the world. (well, at least now that we are older we wouldn't trade them in.) Even their (my parent's) friends want to be adopted into our family cause we are so much fun.


Anonymous said...

your parents totally rock & i love seeing them participate in all the things that you guys have going on!! :)

Anonymous said...

omg those pics are hilarious. those are your parents

your lovely sister