Thursday, February 05, 2009

Birthday Celebration

It all started at 12:01am, January 31st, 2009...with a celebratory drink at my bar! Actually it was more than just one...but they were oh soooo good.
I woke the next morning reminiscing about how good those drinks were, but my head and my tummy were not really agreeing with my memories. They were telling me that those drinks were no good for my head or my tummy and that I might be seeing those drinks again later that day. I did and that is all I'm going to say about that.
My mom and I did a little thrift store shopping (it was 50% off day) before we headed out to Gig Harbor for my birthday dinner at Spiros. They serve the best Pita pizza and mozzarella bread. I had a pizza and salad. They were delicious! Lucky for me they made my pizza with the wrong sauce, so I got two pizzas for the price of one.

Once we got back to town we loaded up my parents car and headed out to the Kent Commons for the Old School Gym Night. The guests were supposed to wear their gym clothes and come ready to play games in the gym. We started the night with a little Kilipohi Bingo. The cards were made with words about me and the pieces to cover their cards was candy. Everyone was a winner! Then we headed to the gym for some BUMP, kickball, and some dodgeball. Everyone had a wonderful time.

After we closed down the gym, we headed back to my bar. It was packed-out. We still had cupcakes, candy, and chex-mix left from the party, so we took it in and shared with everyone. It was also karaoke night. The bar sang me happy birthday and then asked me to sing a song. I don't like to sing with the microphone, I would much rather sing at my table with no mic, but I obliged everyone and sang, "Any Man of Mine" It turned out alright. I had some drinks bought for me and was given a great lesson on sex from one of the ladies there. Oh the joys of drunk people!

Thanks to all who came to my party as well as all who wished me happy birthday. I had a wonderful day, week, and month. There is still time to celebrate if you want to take me to breakfast, lunch, or dinner, or buy me something. I'll be 32 all year long...just kidding!


Anonymous said...

i LOVE your gym outfit & mozzarella bread sounds DELISH!

Anonymous said...

Great pics -- sorry I missed it!! love you Deee

sarahmarie0730 said...

Those pictures are sooooooo fabulous:)