Sunday, February 01, 2009

Shoot Out

This past Friday, the Kent High School Varsity Basketball Teams got together for a Shoot Out at the Showare Arena. Kentlake played Kent Meridian and Kentwood played Kentridge. Our PE teacher is the head coach of the Kent Meridian Royals Girls Basketball team, so a small group of us went down to watch and support his team. They played a great first quarter and if the game would have ended there they would have tied, but the game had 3 more quarters and in those quarters they kind of self-destructed. They weren't following their shots, they were travelling, and getting called for numerous fouls (not all of them did the commit)

We also stayed and watched a little bit of the boys game as well. They play such a faster paced game compared to the girls, it was a lot of fun to watch and photograph.

Here are some more shots from the night.

birthday fun is to follow shortly.

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