Saturday, February 07, 2009

Baby Updates!

It seems like once one of my friends got pregnant, everyone else decided they wanted to be pregnant to. And now after some very long waits, we are getting to welcome some of the little ones into the world! Yeah!!!
  • Jonathon and Shelley welcomed little Thomas Lawrence on January 8th into the world.
  • Kapua and Clancey welcomed a little girl,Nanea Moanike'ala'okalaua'e Menza, on February 2nd. She was born at 5:24pm weighing in at 9lbs 8oz & was 20in long.

  • Shelley and Daniel welcomed a little Lillian (Lily) Louise on February 2nd at 1:36.
  • Kate and John welcomed a little boy named Daniel John, at 2:54 a.m. February 4. He weighed in at 8 pounds, 7.5 ounces and measured 21 inches long.

Plus there are still some growing in their mommy's tummy:
Tanya and Marcel are having a girl (March), Liz and Joe didn't find out (March), Casey and Lisa are welcoming a boy (March), Rachel and -Kapua's niece (March), Amy and Raj (April or May), Wendy and James (June), Shanna and Chris (June), Sarah and Patrick (July), and Vic and Angie (?).

I can't wait to meet them all! What a joy!

~picture above is of my niece at 4months old~

1 comment:

sarahmarie0730 said...

Babies everywhere!!! Thanks for including us on your list:)