Sunday, October 12, 2008

Family Fun!

Last weekend my whole family-Franks, Chocks, and Grandma- were in town, as you know, and we all went out to support my cousin, Kama and the TJ Raider Football team. Throughout our lives playing sports, we have always known that once the whole family comes to town to watch your game, you better watch out, because there will be some sort of hijinx to embarrass you. It all started with a little duck tape on our jackets spelling our cousin Keith's name at his junior high football game and has since moved to T-shirts with letters drawn on them. Even though, you might tell everyone you don't want it to happen, you must understand it will.

This tradition has not only been on the playing field, but one night it was at the Bozeman, Montana airport. Late one night, before all the high security at the airport, my mom's whole side of her family went to pick up my youngest uncle. He was young and single (3oish) and flying home. The plan was to send some of us cousins-6 of us-running to him calling him daddy. I was supposed to pretend I was his wife carrying the youngest of the cousins-Kama and give him and kiss and tell him I was so happy he was home. Then the uncle's and aunts would be standing behind us groucho marks glasses. When he came around the corner , saw all of us and watched the scenario play out, his eyes got really big and he just started laughing. I'm sure in his head he was thinking, "What a crazy family I have!" (Is that right unlce jon?)

Here is more from the game!


Anonymous said...

Kili - you are right. We have a crazy family, but I wouldn't trade them for anything!

kilipohi said...

Me either.