Friday, September 19, 2008

Yo, ho, ho and a Bottle of Rum!

It is Talk Like a Pirate Day today. I heard it on two radio stations. I thought what a great idea to bring to the staff to make them laugh. So when I got to work, I sent out an email stating the fact that it was talk like a pirate day and they should incooporate it into their teaching today. I ended up getting lots of emails back with ideas to use to teach it. So I did. Plus I looked up my pirate name. It would be:
Cap'n Shakira Knifenose
First we talked about it being Talk like a Pirate day and what a Pirate might say. The first kid said that pirates say, "Ho! Ho! Ho!" another student told him that was Santa who said that. I figured out that he was trying to say, "Yo ho ho!" Then we talked about what pirates do (sail the 7 seas, tell people to walk the plank, and look for treasure with a map) and what they have (an eye-patch, peg leg, and possibly a hook for a hand.) We also talked about their ship and that the flag was black and had a skull and cross bones on it. Then I asked for some more sayings and one of my kids came up with, "Find me the booty!" The kids broke out in hysterical laughter as well as I did. I then got to explain that booty is another word for treasure and that this probably did go looking for booty (meaning treasure) although I am pretty sure that they also go looking for the other booty as well, I wasn't going to tell the kids that.
They had a wonderful time talking about it and then I read them the story, Pirates Don't Change Diapers by Melinda Long and David Shannon.
They thought it was hilarious. Laughing the whole way through. They especially loved that the skull and crossbones on the back of the book looked like a baby.After that I had them tell me if they were a pirate what would they do. They had some pretty off the wall answers, but they also seemed to include that they were going to look for booty.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad I'm in your class and get to do fun things. Even if it is only once a month. I encourage you to challenge your dad to one morning a week. He needs some fun. Incorporating fun and learning make for a wonderful journey.

Mother of Capt'n Shakira Knifenose