Sunday, August 10, 2008

New Editions

To the Sidebar... I don't know if you've been checking out, but there has been some new things added to the side bar....Check them out:
  • Feed Reader. After a long time waiting, I was able to figure out how to add this to my blog. Supposedly it comes with your blog, but mine hasn't ever had one, unless I erased it before I knew what I was doing with html. - So here is what you do: Click on that button and you will be able to add my blog to a reader of your choice. A reader is a great thing! It is a place you can add all your blogs to and then each time the author of the blog updates it, either a small portion or all of the new blog will be posted there. It makes it an easy place for you to go and check all your blogs rather than checking all of them at each of their sites. Shelley Maus ooops Sprouffske turned me on to this and I lover it...I have all of mine at Google, so that I can check all my blogs I read all the time all over the world, or at least wherever I can get Google.
  • Chock'ful of Life Photography Icon- this icon is just an icon to help you remember if you need pictures done or would like to purchase any of the pictures shown on the website to contact me. I hope to create a website after the first of the year, so clicking on the icon will get you nowhere.
  • Movies of the Summer: Lately I've been renting movies and watching them, so I thought I would make a list of them as I go to see how many I rent. I'm also linking them to The Internet Movie Database, so you can read up on them. The stars are a rating system of sorts, but it seems like they are all getting the same amount, so I decided to give them lots of stars if I like them and not a lot of stars if they suck.
  • TV Mania- all shows are reruns right now! The only show I'm really watching now is Big Brother.

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