This week I've been baking for our fundraiser down in Vancouver this weekend. I decided to make zucchini bread and cookies. Not so hard, yet I had never made the bread before, so I was a little nervous, especially after I couldn't find zucchini.
I whipped all the stuff together for the bread, poured it into the 5 pans and put them in the oven. I diligently watched them raise and turn brown. They looked delicious. My mom said I would know they were down when I touched the top and it sprang back and if I stuck a toothpick in it and it came back clean. Well I did that to them and they seemed good, so I pulled them out, covered them and went about the rest of my day. When I went to cut and bag them the following day, two of the breads had caved into itself. I looked into the big hole it left and it was still doughy inside. I couldn't believe it. It looked fine when it came out of the oven. The other three were fine.
Yesterday I started in on making the cookies. I wasn't feeling good, but knew I had to make the cookies, so I got to work. I mixed the first batch, cooked two pans and everything was good. Put the third pan in and totally forgot about it. (I went down to my neighbors to borrow some brown sugar) When I came home I smelt a little burning, so I went to the oven to look and see what was happening and found the pan of brown cookies. I pulled it out. They didn't look horrible, but as I was pulling them out the pan's edge touched my skin and burned my hand. I dropped the pan and all the cookies fell to the ground. Boo! I cleaned up the mess and started on the next batch.
Again I cooked two pans and everything was good, put that third pan in again and forgot about it. (This time I got a phone call) When I came back this time, they were black and unsalvageable.
I can't believe that this happened to me, normally I am really good in the kitchen, but I guess that is what happens when you haven't been baking in awhile. I did end up making another batch of bread and it came out better than the first batch. Practice, practice, practice.
while it's not funny that you burnt your hand, i was still laughing, because someone other than ME burnt cookies....TWICE no less!! is it bad that i'd like to try out everyone's baking goods?
even people who've been doing it for years do it. New Years eve i burned two pans of cookies because I got distracted by the TV..... (runs hiding)
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