Monday, March 17, 2008

October Road

Little did I know what I was watching might be the end for a wonderfully written and produced show. I didn't even find out that it might be the end until I read a blog of a fellow October Road lover. See, I don't watch normal tv. All the tv I watch is through my computer. I figure why would I pay to have cable, when I can get all my shows for free through the internet and the even better part is that there are limited breaks for commericals. Example: Currently tv shows normally run for 55 min. including 4 breaks for commercials lasting at least 3-5 min. total, where as on the computer shows fun for 42 min. and usually there is 3-4 commercial breaks that last less than 30 seconds.
Therefore, I never saw commercials stating that the last October Road show was the season finally or possibly the series finale. I was sad when I read about it and even sadder when I actually saw the last episode. There were some major things that happened which were left unresolved. Now we have to wait, how long we don't know, but hopefully it will be back and things will get cleared up.
Actually, all I want to see is what happens to Janet and Eddie, the characters I was rooting for the most. She found a boyfriend, Eddie, life seemed good, then she let her insecurities get the best of her and ended up cheating on Eddie. She told Eddie and he dumped her. What the heck?!?!? I was mad when she cheated and now she is back to square one. LAME!
I guess all we can do know is hope or continue to watch the past episodes on ABC

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi fellow Or lover! I ran across your blog on the net and want to let you know that the fans of October road are actively campaigning to keep the show. Bryan and Geoff (Nick and Eddie) were on satellite radio today saying there still is a 50/50 chance of survival. It really comes down to the support from the fans. Please join our message boards at and help save our amazing October Road! Here is the link.

I hope to see you there!