Saturday, October 27, 2007


So it took me longer than I thought to post. Travelling can really take a lot out of a young girl like me, plus coming back to craziness of a non-working computer, going right back to work, and practicing for hula had me working like crazy, but I would like to say:
  • I am caught up on my sleep.
  • My practice paid off, but we will see what this week brings. I still have sore muscles. Different ones than usual.
  • Kids are a bit crazy with Halloween coming up, my mom baking cake, and our cookie party next week.
  • I am doing a great job of avoiding grades...not really I am halfway through comments and by the time I go back to work tomorrow they will all be done.
  • I have completed all of the enhancing of pictures.
  • I will be back in the gym next week to continue the losing of kids. I think I am almost up to a 4th grader now.

Hope you all had a great week. Stay tuned for more posts.

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