Sunday, October 07, 2007


It was a late show night with us supposedly going on at 7:30, but not really getting on stage until an hour later. Everyone was cleaning up. The audience consisted of hula husbands and families, but the show that was put on brought a tear to my eye with all the original pieces and the variety of different songs. We even produced a Stomp the Gym piece.
This morning as I went to edit my film, I was amazed by the amazing images that I captured, I mean I filled a whole card, if that tells you anything. I decided I would post some teasers today and then you will have to come back to get the full onslaught after they get edited. So far these are my favorites. There is an extra special double post today in Capturing My World, so check it out as well.

1 comment:

tiwalani said...

YAY!!! i love them & can't wait to see the rest.....i hope you're working on them NOW, so that they'll be done by the end of the day. LOL