Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Irritating Things

  1. Motorcycle cops who sit on the left hand side of the road during morning rush hour, pretending to use his speed gun to check speed. He had traffic crawling over 2 miles before we even made it to him. After we passed, traffic picked up and we were able to drive at a normal speed again.
  2. Cops who pull people over to give them a ticket and block you in, so you can't get out of your parking space. Then when they come back to their car after making someone cry, make a rude comment and snarl at you as you smile at them, because they are blocking your car.
  3. Crazy ladies who make eye contact with you across the parking lot, walk over to you and ask you to help her jump her car. You tell her you can't move your car, because the nice policeman is blocking you and she says she will wait. Oh the joys!
  4. Being scared to return things because you don't have the receipt. When you finally do it, they give you no crap about it just store credit. So in the end what you have to show for it is store credit and two humongous blisters.

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