Monday, January 02, 2006

New Year- New Leaf

I hope that y'all are enjoying the new year, because I am enjoying the fact that I still have one more day of winter break left. I did nothing today and am going to try to do the same thing tomorrow before things go crazy.
Some things I want to focus on this year are:
1. Memorizing a new song a month for my guitar.
2. Only watching 2 hours of TV a night and turning it off by 9:30 at the latest.
3. Taking more amazing pics, so one day I can be as good as Ms. Mauss.
4. Making a commitment to visit a friend every Sunday.
5. Practicing Hula.
6. Read at least one book a month.
7. Don't get caught up in the small stuff.
8. Keep in better contact with old friends and make new friends.
9. Work on my golf game.
10. Make time for myself.

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