Monday, January 09, 2006

FYI...still feeling overwhelmed

I don't get it. I wish that everything would just calm down and not be so stressful and hecktic. 7-11 is once again looking good. Things at work have once again gone haywire. Oh well, live and learn and laugh right?....Riiiiight? Who knows. I just need to blow off some steam go and work out. Sweat until I stink like a boy and then just give it all up to God, becuase he will take care of me and make everything better. I know!
So I went to a friend's wedding last night. (Who knew wedding season had already started?!) It was very traditional Orthodox. It was different than I was used to, but I felt that it fit the groom just right. I wore a cute dress, that my mom had to do some altering to because it was too big, but the sad thing was that no one ever saw it because it was too cold. I kept my coat on the whole night and even wrapped myself in a towel once in the reception. I had a good time with my dates, Doug and Darcy and am looking forward to more time spent with them because we all know what happens to married people..... They become smug marrieds. 1 wedding down and another invitation just showed up in the mail.
This was my view of the couple for all of the ceremony.

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