Sunday, December 11, 2005

Grateful School List

1. My volunteer Dee- She does so much work in my classroom. I don't know where I would be without her.
2. My teammates-All the support,love, and care is so greatly appreciated. I don't know where I would be without you two. Actually I do and it wouldn't be at school.
3. My spiral mates- Without you all I don't think I would have gotten through last week with 2 new kiddos and the emotional roller coaster I was on. Your wisdom and knowledge helped me live through till Friday.
4. Health and Fitness- Without it, I know I would have rolled over and died this week. The exhilaration that I feel when I workout makes everything go away and my eyes can focus on the prize (a dress from Annmarie). Also our Health an Fitness Teacher, who helped me out in a pinch and makes me laugh. FYI- the favor is always returnable.
5. My class- They can always pick me up when I am feeling down and have been wonderful this week. *Please Lord Jesus, don't let this be a curse on my for this week.*

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