Sunday, December 11, 2005

Gift Exchanges

Now there is white elephant and then there is WHITE ELEPHANT. Last year I got the WHITE ELEPHANT kind of gift at my hula party.
I took that gift a week later to my mom's work party and quickly put it to use and ended up with some books. This year it was just the opposite. I started with my mom's party and got a book and then took it to the ill-fated hula party. I was very worried about picking a present because there are some gifts that are continually given that are just not so appropriate to mention on here.
As each person's number was called the anticipation of what I was going to take home grew in me. I didn't want to get one of those gifts again. I walked up to the pile, with kumu (hula-teacher) saying, "Be careful" and laughing after I chose my gift. It was Party Lite candle sconces. Yes!! But I wasn't out of the of my hula sisters came over and stole it, but before she could do that, she had to sing a Christmas song. *an added twist* She took them, then I sang for them back. I paitnently waited for the time to end, so I could walk out with my gift, I even hid my gift under the table, but it didn't help. Another hula "sister" came and stole if from me. So back to the pile I went...for another "Be careful" and laughter. I got a clock and some Yu-Gi-O cards. I thought I would be stuck with it until, a kid wanted my cards. He came over and sang for them and then I got to get another gift. I decided to just sing for it.
It was much fun and I so happy with what I ended up with.

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