Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1.  Are you a force to be reckoned with? In what way?

Of course! I'm a force to be reckoned with when I get upset.  Of course, it takes me a super long time to get upset, but once I am, you better get out of the way or you will get run over.

2. What are two things you love about the wintertime? Or, if love feels like too strong a word, what are two things you 'like' about winter?

Wintertime is not my favorite, but I do like having a fire in my fireplace and bring curled up under a blanket reading a book and the other thing is all the get togethers with family members.

3. Pomegranate, kumquat, persimmon, kiwi, and guava are all fruits said to have health benefits, particularly during the winter months. Do you have a favorite on the list? Are there any on the list you haven't tried?

Out of these choices, I would choose guava.  i don"t eat them a lot, but they are yummy.

4. I passed a local church yesterday and noticed they had this on their outdoor sign- 'When all else fails, do the right thing.' Your thoughts?

That no matter what, you should always do the right thing.

5. Do you ski? According to one list I've seen, the top 5 ski destinations for 2014 are-St. Anton Austria, Whistler Canada, Cortina Italy, Tahoe USA, and Zermatt Switzerland.  Of the five listed, which would you most like to visit? We can make skiing optional if that helps the non-skiers with their answer.

Nope and never wanted to.  I'm not a fan of snow.  I would most like o visit Tahoe in the summer, because I've heard it's amazing.

6.  What's the last thing you looked for online? (Besides my blog!)

I was looking up an article about people in Washington State being able to buy weed (because it's now legal) with their food stamps and EBT card.  Couldn't find it, but will keep looking.

7. What saying, slogan, quote, or motto have you seen lately that inspires you for the new year?

Be still.  It is part of Psalm 46:10.  I need to slow down and realize He is near.

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

 I've become a YouTube junkie! There I said it!  I spend way too much time on it, yet I love it all.  Watching funny videos. touching videos...

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