Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Wednesday Hodgepodge

Here we go-

1. Times Square is the setting for the infamous ball drop signaling a brand new year....when did you last 'drop the ball' on something?

I never drop the ball. I'm really good at keeping everything together...although, there was this one time we were leaving the softball field and I was supposed to pick up the bag of bats and balls and bring them home with me from the field, but didn't pick it up because I thought my roommate was and by the time we realized that no one had it and we went back up to find it, everything was gone. I felt super bad about it.  So I literally and figuratively dropped the ball. 

2. What is one thing you resolved to do in 2013 that you actually did?

I don't seem to remember any resolutions that were made for 2013. I'm not really big on making resolutions. I do have goals that I make and try to accomplish, but I really don't remember one for last year.

3. Jack London is quoted as saying, "You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club." Agree or disagree? Why? 
 I don't think you have to go after it with a club, but you for sure have to go after it with some vigor and muscle through it.

4. What was the best thing you ate in 2013?

Best thing I ate in 2013 was actually a drink...does that count? It is a Blended White Grasshopper from Dutch Brothers! Super yummy and to die for on a hot summer day!

5.  Share an anti-resolution...that is, something you plan to keep on doing in the new year.

I plan on eating whatever I want...  it will be in moderation, but I for sure will still be eating.

6. The Pantone color of the year for 2014 is radiant orchid.  Like or no like? Would I find this color anywhere in your home or wardrobe? Will you add something in this shade to either?

Nope, not a fan. Don't like purple! So it isn't anywhere in my house. I do have some clothes with purple, but they are few and far between.  They are the team color for a team that is a rival to the team I support. Go Cougs!

7. In three words or less sum up your 2013.

Fast, Furious, Fun

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

I'm ready for a fun and exciting 2014! Bring it on!


Joyce said...

Oh dear. Did you have to replace all the equipment yourself? Hope you have a wonderful 2014!

kilipohi said...

I didn't thank goodness, but I felt horrible, because it was all my friends things that he had had all his life. Thankfully he is still my friend.