Sunday, July 21, 2013

Poo Poo Point

Yesterday I was given a choice of things to do and since I'd been wanting to hike, that is what I chose.  I wanted to hike somewhere close and when Poo Poo Point presented itself on the little website: Washington Trails Association, I knew it was the hike to do.  Little did I know that a 7.4 mile hike that gains 1650ft. in elevation, may be a little hard on the calves, thighs, and breathing.  I guess it was my turn to learn.

I packed a lunch, picked up my hiking buddy and we were off.

The trail started off pretty easy, but then hit a pretty steep incline for almost the whole way.

We took many breaks as we walked up as I was dyyyyying, not having worked out much during vacation.  At one point (actually many points), I was ready to turn around.  I was huffing and puffing.  I couldn't get my legs up high enough to take steps over things, so I was tripping.  At this point, he was ready to turn around.

We hit this sign, though and kept on trucking.  After this point it was pretty flat with some pretty nice downhills, although all I though was poopy, we have to come back up this.

We were super glad we kept going, because, we got to see this amazing view and watch all the paragliders.  It was too cool.  We ate lunch, consumed the rest of our water and then headed back down the mountain.

Thankfully we made it all in one piece.  We are both sporting sore muscles today that are in need of ice and massages, but at least we made it to the top and didn't stop the many times we wanted to.

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