Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Happenings in My Classroom

This past week I got a new student straight from Lima, Peru. He speaks very little English if none at all, therefore I'm having to brush up on my Spanish again. I was working with him on multiplication, but didn't know if he knew what multiplication was, so I was telling him to add cuatro and cuatro. One of the other boys told me to say cuatro mas cuatro, so I told my new student cuatro mas cuatro. He started adding it on his fingers and counting in his head, as one of the other little boys leaned over and told him exactly what I had said. And in Spanish, my new little one said, "I know!"
Oh he's going to be a feisty one!


Anonymous said...

Try cuatro por cuatro... That should work better. :)


kilipohi said...

Found that out today! I'm learning so much.
How is the little baby doing?