Saturday, January 14, 2012

Cause I'm an Athlete part 2

As I headed up into the mountains this morning, the rain turned to snow and I thought, "mmmm I probably should slow down." I did and kept driving to get the precious cargo that was supposed to be a surprise. I made it to the top of the mountains where the snow was coming down even harder and sticking even better.
I picked up the cargo and made my way down the mountain and then up Tiger Mountain. It was there that my athleticism was kicked into gear. I was driving along, obeying the speed limit and then the road became covered with some slush. The slush grabbed my tires and pulled my NEW car towards the guardrail. I thought for sure I would hit it and then what would happen to the cargo and my car. I didn't really need my car to be smashed up. I kept my hands at 10 and 2 and my foot on the gas hoping that I could drive out of it, but the slush kept me right up against that rail.
Finally! the slush let go of us and sent us careening towards the slow lane, (lucky no one was there) here comes my athleticism. I turned the wheel back to the left and let off the gas and the car righted itself and all that happened to the cargo was that they were jostled a bit. They were none the wiser. They had no clue that the damn slush almost killed my car!!! And gave them bruises and bumps.

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