School has been in progress for a month now and this is the first time I'm writing. Weird I know, but things have been super busy and no funny or cute things have happened...Oh wait, I thought of one and I will post later this week.
What really has been going on is bus-i-ness! And lots of it. My students have been getting assessed on everything they can be tested on and now we are supposed to put all the results together to make goals for our students and present them to the parents in 2 weeks. Needless to say, I will be busy!
The other thing that is different about this year is that, the person at our school who did everything that needed to be done retired over the summer, which now means we, the staff, now need to pick up on things she used to do. Therefore I'm now the head of the Assembly committee (meaning I plan them with rest of the committee) and am co-chair of the ASB. I also helped start a job board for the students and will be in charge of the Assembly helpers! It puts so much on my plate!
At the end of yesterday, I was full and I couldn't process anything else. I didn't really feel like I could breath until several hours after school, but I woke this morning at 5:35am thinking about school. I couldn't get it out of my head, so 1/2 hour later I got out of bed and proceeded to make lists of all the things I needed to get done. 4 pages later, I was finally done and pretty much spent.
I felt so much better and now I'll be ready for Monday, a little tired, but ready for Monday.
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